
Fee Changes in 2019

By Martha Jack posted 03-28-2019 00:00


Each year the VHMA asks practices about fee increases for the year; either those planned or already implemented. As with past years, the majority of the 180 practices participating in this survey, 53%, said yes to the question: “Have you or will you raise your professional service fees in 2019?” Twenty-seven percent in 2019, said they would be increasing fees on only non-shopped services compared to 2018.

Receipts on top of each otherWhen asked the average amount of increase for shopped services responses were fairly spread out amongst the categories with about 41% of the hospitals saying the average increase on shopped services would be 3% and a surprising 32% increasing shopped fees by 5% or more. 

Hospitals planned on increasing the fees on non-shopped services by a greater amount, the majority of hospitals said their non-shopped service increase would be between 4-6% with about 35% of hospitals increasing these fees just 1-3%.

When asked what factors or strategies were considered in deciding how much to increase either the shopped or non-shopped services in the practice. The most commonly mentioned factors or strategies for shopped services included:

  • Overall cost of doing business and anticipated future cost increases
  • Increases in practice costs for a particular product or service
  • What other practices are charging
  • Inflation
  • Time since the last increase
  • Location and area standards
  • Demographics of local pet owners
  • Fee references such as AAHA, WMP
  • Gut instinct

The most commonly mentioned factors or strategies for non-shopped services included all of those used in pricing shopped services as well as:

  • Frequency service is utilized by pet owners
  • Anticipated downward turn in economy
  • Client perception of value

View the Detailed Report along with some Sage Advice on Pricing Strategies »

