Event Code of Conduct
To ensure the best possible experience for all attendees, we have established some basic rules for event participation that apply to all VHMA educational events. The goal is to preserve a climate that encourages civil and professional dialogue; the VHMA reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to VHMA events for anyone who violates these rules.
Don't challenge or attack others. Discussions and comments are meant to stimulate conversation, not to create contention. Be professional in expressing your ideas and opinions to others. While we encourage members to express their opinion freely, please note that such views are those of the individual and do not represent the association.
Please respect the confidentiality of the information members share with the group - their stories should not be shared outside of the group unless permission is provided.
Use caution when discussing products. Discussions are not private and are subject to libel and slander.
Do not share any information regarding fees, rates, prices, or similar information. No comments may encourage or facilitate any agreement that either expressly or impliedly leads to price fixing, a boycott of another's business, or other conduct intended to restrict free trade illegally.
Presentations and discussions should not contain promotional material, special offers, job offers, product announcements, or solicitation for services or participation.
VHMA disclaims all warranties regarding the information, whether shared by VHMA or any third party; this disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall VHMA be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information provided at this event.