The VHMA Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations for 2025-2027 Officer and Director positions for the VHMA Board of Directors. Positions open for nomination include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Directors.
Qualification Requirements:
Nominees for VHMA office must have been members of the Association in good standing for a minimum of three years and must have current duties, which include day-to-day practice management in order to be eligible to hold office.
No two members from or representing the same organization, practice, or group of practices under the same ownership or management may hold office simultaneously (includes educational and consulting organizations).
The Nominating committee considers a candidate's current or past engagement in the association when selecting nominees.
Three references who have a professional relationship with you are required. They include your current employer, another practice management professional and a peer.
Critical Competencies expected of the VHMA Board of Directors:
Visionary- big picture thinking, strategic planning
Leadership – mobilizing a group toward a common goal
Finance – sound fiduciary stewardship
Marketing - promotes the association, as well the profession
Technology - understands how technology can advance the association and profession
Youth – represents the newest generation in the profession
Member Representative - represents the membership base
Corporate/Industry Knowledge - understand the role industry plays
Negotiation Skills - committed to working effectively within a collective
Responsibilities and Job Description:
All VHMA offices are non-paid volunteer positions. Officers must be able to attend all VHMA meetings of the Board of Directors (currently three in-person meetings per year (see more details below) and four to six virtual meetings), as well as the Annual General Membership Meeting. Limited travel reimbursement is provided for each Board Meeting, and complimentary registration to the Annual Conference and Management Exchange are provided to Board Members. General time commitment for in-person events is detailed below, exact dates and locations TBA.
January/February time frame – attend VHMA Board meeting the Wednesday before the VHMA Management Exchange. 5 Days, Tuesday to Saturday commitment (includes travel days).
May (usually first or second week) – attend VHMA Strategic Planning meeting. 4 Days, Tuesday to Friday commitment (includes travel days).
September/October time frame – attend VHMA Board meeting the Wednesday before the VHMA Annual Conference. 5 Days, Tuesday to Saturday commitment (includes travel days).
Click for a detailed JOB DESCRIPTION for all board members and required policy forms.
Nomination Process:
All self-nominations must be received by the VHMA by February 28. The Executive Director will publish the slate of nominations by May 6, for the membership’s review. Once the slate of nominations is published, additional nominations for such positions may be submitted in writing to the Executive Director over the signature of fifteen members of the Association eligible to vote, not less than sixty (60) days, June 5, prior to the annual membership meeting. The Executive Director will deliver an official ballot to each member eligible to vote by June 20. Ballots must be returned by July 20, and the results will be announced at the Annual General Membership Meeting on Thursday, September 4, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans, LA.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the VHMA Office at (518) 433-8911 or via email at